Why Arizona Pacific Plastics
It’s no secret that plastic/resin materials require a specialized approach to industrial recycling. Going green is the right thing to do—but it shouldn’t come at a cost to your business.
We are experts in handling, sorting, and identifying your plastic scrap.
Arizona Pacific Plastics takes on the most demanding commercial plastic recycling and certified destruction challenges day after day.
Consider that:
- It takes substantially more oil to manufacture virgin plastic than it does to recycle it
- Recycling plastic can save twice as much energy as it takes to burn it
- The price of recycled PET containers has increased by nearly 30% in 2021, demonstrating increased demand
With these factors and more at play, there’s never been a better time to explore plastic recycling and see how you could save money and potentially turn disposal into a profit center.

Saving Manufacturers Money
Are you a manufacturer that wants to reuse your plastic scrap, or do you want to blend virgin resin in with your scrap to save costs and recycle?
We offer plastic tolling and blending services that allow you to recover your scrap without worrying about the recycling process. Let us take your scrap, reprocess it, and send it back to you, ready to insert into the manufacturing process. This allows you to reuse your plastic scrap and make your new product out of “recycled resin.”
Contact us today to recover your losses in plastic waste with plastic tolling services.
Custom Reporting
We can give you reports as the loads are generated or monthly, whichever you prefer. We separate the report by item so you can track each polymer and your plastic scrap rate. We list the date of pick up, the type of plastic, the weight of the scrap, and the price paid.
Our reporting can be custom tailored to your preference and can be emailed to as many people in your organization as you like. Have multiple locations? No problem. We can break it out by each location.
Contact us today for commercial plastic recycling services.

Destruction of Other Materials
What about other materials such as cardboard, metal, and obsolete products that need a certificate of destruction? As long as we can process the material, you can put it on our trailer.
We can take cardboard bales, neatly stacked boxes, shredded office paper, soda/water bottles and cans, and miscellaneous metal. We also offer certified destruction or incineration for materials that can not be recycled, such as a materials with metal in them or mixed materials.
We can ensure that this material does NOT hit the open market and is recycled responsibly.
Contact us today for commercial plastic recycling services.